viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

Reasons for being an Educator.

Personally, I stumbled into teaching. Then, I got hooked. I got completely addicted to the joys, the thrills, the challenges and the fulfilment that teaching and being an educator entails.

My reasons are simple: I love to share. I love to help. I love to learn. I love being in a position to inspire and influence others positively. I love being able to make an impact.

Being a educator has provided me with the platform to do all of these and I can honestly say that, in spite of the challenges and the pressures involved, I absolutely do not want to be or do anything else.

Generally, most educators have some pretty selfless and inspiring reasons for going into education.

Recently, Scholastic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation released a survey where more than 20,000 teachers were asked various questions about how they feel about the job, including why they were motivated to become teachers. Their answers show that indeed, teaching and educating is a noble profession, filling us with optimism about education.

According to the survey, an overwhelming majority of teachers said their top reasons for going into education were "to make a difference in children's lives," "to share my love of learning and teaching" and "to help students reach their full potential." Barely any said they went into teaching "for the earning potential" or for "no particular reason."

Here's a full breakdown of how teachers responded to the survey questions:

We only wish everyone had such positive reasons for choosing a profession.

If you're an educator, share with us your reasons for going into the field of education. 
And, if not, share with us why you chose your present profession.